Pensamento do Dia...

"É legítimo querer que nos amem por quem somos … mas é nossa a responsabilidade de sermos quem somos…fielmente."

quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2011

Love vs Fear...

"If you feel fear, i must say that i feel too...
If you have doubt, I should say that i have too...
But if you are able to face the fear and undo the doubt, I'm ready to show you that several times, fear is an ilusion and that doubt is only way of fear show up!
So, only taking the risk, we take the chance...

Love scares only because we are afraid of the feelings, it make us feel...
Afraid of the unknown, afraid of the new, afraid of don't deserve it...
Afraid because in the deepest of our soul, we didn't learn yet, that love starts only when i love myself first, and ignoring it or creating an ilusion, only makes this fear more painful.
But in the middle time, i stayed confused, I'm talking to you? or I'm talking to myself?"


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